Sunday, July 27, 2008

Addresses for Writing

Here are the addresses for Elder Mckibben:

Elder Mckibben's Adrress:

Mexico Guadalajara South Mission
Calle Aguamanna #3292
Colonia Reciencial Victoria
Zapopan, Jalisco 45089

The puch service address:

Elder Mckibben
Mexico Guadalajara South Mission
POB 3150
Salt Lake City, Ut 84138-0150

Note on the pouch service only post cards or single sheet letter folded twice, tape on end, write address on back this is so they can make sure it is only a letter, if you do it any other way it will be returned to you.

1 comment:

Don Layton said... least with the blog we can see what he's up to...since he won't write to anyone.

Nice to see you online. Tell your mom and dad we want them back. I'll be the stake recruiter. Tell your mom that it's already much warmer since she left. (GRIN)